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The Mass. State Elk's Annual Night at Fenway will be held on Thursday, Aug 30th with the Sox going against the Tampa Bay Rays.

This annual event raises money for our Elk's Charities, (a portion of each ticket sold goes to the National Foundation and the Mass. State Elk's Scholarship.

We also use tickets donated by the lodges and individuals to send our hospitalized veterans to the game. Tickets are;

Right field Grandstand - $40

Right field Box - $59

Bleacher - $39

Get one for yourself and buy another one for a veteran.

We have already had a few brothers buy tickets to be given to the Vets and tickets for themselves. The club hopes to be able to purchase extra tickets this year for the members. Come on down, buy a couple and enjoy a Friday night out at friendly Fenway Park.

Supply is limited and they will be going fast... Don't delay!

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